Penguin Random House records "The Shop On Royal Street" with Sophie Amoss

Dubway was proud to host another recording for publisher Penguin Random House–one of our favorite publishing houses to work with–to capture a lovely reading of bestselling author Karen White’s newest novel, The Shop On Royal Street. We were lucky to have a dream-team assembled for the recording, including producer Nithya Rajendran, director Staci Snell, and award-winning audiobook narrator Sophie Amoss. Staff engineer Keenan DuBois engineered the recording in a series of smooth reading sessions, with Amoss in-studio and Snell providing direction over remote Zoom link.

The Shop On Royal Street is Karen White’s latest novel in a long list of well-reviewed books that capture the spirit of their setting–often a historic city or region–while doing double duty as classic mystery page-turners.

You can find the hardcopy and audiobook for the novel here, available March 29th!

Narrator Sophie Amoss in front of the mic in our Main Floor Studios during recording.