David James records ADR for Julio Uchôa-produced project, "Diaries of an Exchange Student"

David Sherod James

David Sherod James

Actor David Sherod James (The Deuce, The Interview) was in-studio with us recently to record dubbing ADR for the Brazilian film Diaries of an Exchange Student (Diários de Intercâmbio), directed by Bruno Garotti. James worked alongside producer Julio Uchôa (Captain America: Civil War) via Zoom, and coach Sandro Isaack (Mozart In The Jungle) in-studio. Dubway engineer Louis Fisher managed the recording in our Sand control room, one of several of the linked studio rooms in our Main Floor Studios.

We had a great time recording for this project, which shot much of its’ footage in and around the NYC-Hudson Valley regions. So far it’s only been released in Brazil, but stay tuned for possible upcoming international releases!