Some of our audiobook projects...

BTW, here’s an Author’s Guide to audiobooks, from our friends at

If you’ve written a non-fiction book, especially a memoir or advice book, your publisher may invite you to narrate the audio version. Or if you’re self-published, you may want to do so on your own.

A lot of authors – even if they were reluctant at first – find it a satisfying experience. It can be satisfying for listeners too – they tend to ENJOY hearing the author, for the authentic, personal connection to the material. Let’s talk about whats involved…

How long will it take to record your book? Figure two days in the studio up to about 60-thousand words, and three days up to about 90-thousand. That assumes about two hours in the studio for every hour of the finished recording. The sessions can often be arranged so they’re not all on consecutive days. Once you leave, you’ll probably have to return briefly a week or two later, to re-record a few lines.

You’ll record in a comfortable and quiet studio (like Dubway in New York City!) You’ll always have someone working with you, to help you and answer your questions. An engineer will record you. He or she will follow along in your text, and ask for repeats when there are mistakes or noises like stomach rumbles.  There may be a producer or director working with you, in which case you’ll get more guidance about your delivery.

It takes real focus for a lot of hours. It’ll go better and faster if you’re well-prepared.

That’s two kinds of preparation:

First, knowing your material,

And second, having a basic understanding of narration technique… including how this medium differs from public speaking, how to connect to your material and your listener, and how to be comfortable for your long recording sessions.  

AuthorDirect Audio is a new resource to help you get ready. It’s the only organization solely devoted to helping author narrators, offering affordable video instruction, one-on-one coaching, and audiobook directing, all available online. Learn more at